Thursday, August 28, 2008

2.4 miles this morning

Just a quick note... I ran 2.4 miles this morning. So that brings my grand total up to 9.48. Lets just say 9.5! Yeah for me! I am also going to run with my friend Sara Lily on Saturday, she is training for a Marathon and Saturday she is running 20 miles. So I am going to help her out with a measly three or maybe four since I know I can do it! We will see.

I am doing all this running and I really do not feel any slimmer. I feel stronger, but not any trimmer. Arturo says that I am, but he has to say that! I think my metabolism is all ready slowing down...and I am not even 30! I guess I am just going to have to hit the weights, do some dreaded core training, eat better and cut back on my red wine! I might hit the gym and eat a little better, but the wine thing might be hard to give up!

Well got to run. It is lunch time here...hah, hah!

Have a great Thursday.

I took some great pictures of the garden yesterday, I will share them this weekend! Check back soon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Can you belive it...I ran 4.4 miles this morning! I ran with a diffrent group and was planning on only running 3, but once we had done three I still felt good and decided to go all the way. There were a few killer hills and I slowed WAY down, but I finished!

That puts me to a little over 7 for the week! YEAH!

Got to run....I need to start getting ready for work.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2.68 miles this morning

Just a quick note...

I not only got in 2 miles this morning, but I got in 2.68 miles according to the Map My Run Web site. Check out my route here .

Have a great day!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Canning and Birthday Presents

Hey everyone, wanted to take a moment and share with you guys our first or my first canning experiance.
Arturo and I canned 50 pounds of tomatos with my friend Sarah Lilly on Sunday. This was my first time was not as bad as I thought it would be, it just took time. Here are a few pictures and these are taking with my new camera! I got it this afternoon, and have been playing all evening!

Arturo and I with one of our beautiful jars!

Another one...

Three of the 12 we took home!!
I think that we are going to do some peaches and make some year Arturo, says we are going to have a HUGE garden so we can can our own produce. What fun!! I think...
My Mom sent me this great mosaic mirrow for my Birthday...I love it. It is so cool. She is a pretty talently lady. LOVE YOU, Mom!

We had a great weekend, it was crazy busy. Saturday we cleaned and got the house ready for our party. We had about 25 folks over Saturday night. It is was great fun! Then Sunday we canned most of the day. Needless to say we are pretty tired today.
My running goal for this week is 9 miles for the week... I did not run this morning so that means I have to catch up tomorrow morning. I think I will do 2 tomorrow, 3 Wednesday, 2 Thursday and 3 on Friday. That will get me 10. Wish me luck!!
Have a great week everyone.
LOVE YOU - the Pacheco's

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Home from Vacation :(

Hey Everyone...
We made it home from New Mexico on Sunday. We had such a great time and you know I did not even take my camera. So I do not have any pictures to share. It is always good to go home, NM is really not my home, but I call it home. I love it there. I do not think I would every want to live there but I do enjoy visiting. The skies are just beautiful and the landscape can be breathtaking. It was only 60 degrees on Friday, which was my Birthday, I do not think I have every had to wear a jacket on my Birthday before! I guess there is a first time for everything. Juana made us some amazing red chili enchiladas with homemade sopapillas and beans. Man it was good! I probably gained five pounds! Oh well I guess that is what vacation is for!

For my birthday I got some really cool things. My mom made me this awesome mosaic mirror for our kitchen and Robin got me this cool needle case. Thanks to you both! LOVE YOU! I also got a little cash and I think I am going to get a new camera! The one I have is only like a 3 mega pixel, so it is about time to up-grade. I am thinking about a Nikon Coolpix with 10 mega pixels. I think I am going to order it tonight. I am pretty excited. I will share pictures of my gifts once I get my new camera.

We are planning a get together this weekend...Arturo goes back to school on Monday. Less than a week left of his summer. He is pretty bummed about it! Next summer will be here before we know it though.

I am running with the Little Apple Road Runners tomorrow morning 3 miles...lets hope my shines can stand it! I am thinking that the half marathon is going to come in April or May...before it gets to hot and I can start training after Christmas. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Well that is about it from this home front. I hope you all have a great week. Check back soon for some pics!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Catching up!

Well...we have been pretty busy. August is going to be a little crazy.

Last weekend we traveled to Sedan or to the ranch. We picked up some rock for making flowerbeds and a fire pit. It is going to be really cool. We hope to have at least the flower beds built this coming weekend. I will take some pictures once we have things built! Arturo also butchered a lamb while we where there so we now have lamb. Man that is good stuff...I would have never guessed I would every crave a lamb chop, but I do and it it is so good with a glass of red wine!

Next week we are leaving for New Mexico to see Juana...I am pretty excited. Three days off and getting to enjoy to great NM air! Also we will get to spend some time with our niece and nephew. It is going to be a great trip!

The squirrels have discovered our garden. They have eaten all of Arturo's corn. The little varmints! Arturo has gotten a Beebe Gun to try to thin them out, but he has not gotten a single one! :)

I am still really enjoying knitting. Here a few of my finished projects and my first bit of stash yarn.

Knitting ~ Headband from my beginners class

My Hat did not turn out quite right...but it still is pretty cute on! (also from the class)

My Cable Scarf! It is coming along great!

My first bit of stash yarn. I picked this up a Wildflower Yarns and Knitwear on a great sale. I am not for sure what I am going to make with it just yet, but that is what makes it stash!

Running...I am still trying to get in shape! I have shine splints though, so I have had to back off and slow down on my program. I have decided that I am going to run a half marathon in the year 2009 it my be this time next year but I am going to do it!

Well that is about it for now.

Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Have not Bloged in over a week! Oh my!

Hey Everyone,
So sorry for my lack of blogging, but life has been a little crazy this last week. I do have some pictures to share and will have more after this weekend, but for now you will just have to live with this...

A friend and fellow blogger, Lauren tagged me for my first every tag. So here it goes.

10 years ago: Ten years ago I was 16 about to turn 17 and entering into my Jr. year of High School. Man that is crazy that was 10 years ago, it almost feels like yesterday!

5 things on my list today: Well at work I have to watch and OK two of our educational training modules, retrieve our video footage from the International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, have a birthday party, then I have to go to the doctor and go home and pack for our weekend at the Ranch. Busy day and it is Friday!

Snacks I enjoy: pretty much anything savory or sweet...I am not that picky!

Places I've lived: I have lived in Texas, Georgia and Kansas.

Check back next week and I will have pictures of some of my once again blooming flowers, new purchases, knitting and the rock we are getting from the ranch to make our flower beds.