Friday, July 31, 2009

Thomas Herefords

Here a couple pictures from the Thomas Hereford Ranch.

This is the view from the front porch of the house.

Cattle...the guys where seriously looking at the cows and calves and us girls where just riding around visiting!

A view of the mountain from that Kurt and Jess will be getting married in front of.

Today is the rehearsal and tomorrow is the big deal...we are so excited for Kurt and Jessica!
Having a a blast!
Stay tuned!


Here are few pictures from Yellowstone. I have more, but my Internet connection is a little slow this morning.

This is Mystic Falls that we hike up to, BEAUTIFUL!

A BEAUTIFUL hot spring in Yellowstone...but it smelled a little!

Us in front of Old Faithful!

Old Faithful...just ok!

Leaving the Grand Tetons... my favorite!

Like I said I have more but the Internet is not that great! I will put them up when I can...the wedding festivities have kicked off and we are having a blast!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hi from Grand Teton National Park

Today was such a great day! We took a four mile hike around Jenny Lake, in the Grand Teton National Park! It was beautiful and I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

This is one of the pekes of the Grand Teton Mountains. You can see the storm blowing in that cut our hike a little short! Beautiful all the same!

Our first sighting of wildlife...a little ground squirrel or a chipmunk really not sure. I sure hope to see a moose before we leave this part of the world!

Tomorrow we are going to rise early and head up through Yellowstone and stop at Old Faithful and see it blow. You can not go to Yellowstone and not see Old Faithful. We will probably do a short hike and then we will head into West Yellowstone.
Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello from Jackson Hole, WY

Well, we have made it on our journey to Mt...we are having such a relaxing time so far. Yesterday we drove 12 hours to get to Rock Springs, WY. Man that will wear you out...we were asleep by 8:50 last night! However, this morning we were up and ready to go on our three hour drive to Jackson Hole, WY. Jackson Hole is a cool town that has a bunch of little shops. We walked around and checked it out this afternoon...pretty cool! We then stopped and had a beer at a little Tavern that looked out over the town square. Tonight we plan to dine at the Burke's Chop looks to be pretty good food! Pretty excited!

Tomorrow are going to drive up to Ginny Lake, in the Grand Teton National Park, to do a day hike around the lake. We are looking forward to the breath taken scenery! I will share pictures!

Here are a few from the last two days.

Me at the Tavern taking in Jackson Hole!

Arturo at the Tavern...taking in Jackson Hole!

Coming in to the Bridge's-Teton National Forrest on our way to Jackson Hole.

Bridge's-Teton National Forrest.

Mountains to our East as we travel to Jackson Hole.

Our view on our way to Rock Springs, WY.

Eastern WY...not all that pretty!

We will leave Jackson Hole and drive up through Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday. Headed to West Yellowstone. We plan to hike around Old Faithful on Wednesday and then head to Deer Lodge, MT for wedding festivities.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ten Things I love

1. My husband: he is a GREAT man and my true sole mate. I love you Baby!

2. Our home: It is not big or fancy, but it is so warm and inviting and it already has a collection of memories of Arturo's and I first couple years of marriage and I know that there will be many to come.

3. Our dogs: To be honest I am really not that big of a dog person, but I love our dogs and once they are gone I really do not think that I will have another.

4.My family: Of course my family, Momma, Daddy and Robin and the Harris' and the Gertz group. They have all helped shape me into the person I am today. I also love and adore Arturo's family. I have always known that when you marry you not only marry the guy you also marry the family. I have been blessed to marry into such a wonderful family...the Pacheco's, the Montoya's and the Saiz's are AWESOME! I want to thank my family and Arturo's family in advance for helping me develop into the women, wife and mother that I am today and that I will be in the future.

5. Running: The way I feel after a liberated and strong. It is a great feeling. (Never would have guessed this would be in my top 10.)

6. Photography: I am not an accomplished photographer and sometimes I even forget my camera, but I love to admire other people's work. I am in awe by the beauty they capture. One day I want to be able to capture that kind of beauty.

7. Technology: Crazy, I know, but it amazes me. Especially the Internet. Where would we be without it?

8. Arturo's Cooking: What can I say it is just DANG GOOD! I am a lucky girl!

9. Turquoise Jewelry: This one is crazy, but I love the colors and how cool it looks on. I am sure it is out of style, but I do not care I love this stuff and will probably never stop wearing it.

10. Chocolate: Milk chocolate that is. I really love a box chocolate cake with a big glass of milk. YUMO!

What are ten things that you love?

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a great weekend!

We have had such a great weekend....

I ran yesterday morning! Twelve miles all by myself. I felt great up until the last four miles. They were though, but I powered through. Next weekend is 13 miles, and that is the halfway point! I think that it will be hard but I know that I can make it!

After I got my run in and Arturo got his chores done we cleaned the house and did the yard work. Then our evening was filled with great conversation and great food. We had some friends over that will be moving in a couple of weeks. Arturo grilled some steaks and made cheese enchiladas with a red chile sauces. YUMO as Rachael Ray would say! He also made a peach cobbler. I think I consumed all the calories that I burned on my run! Oh well...

Today has been a great day...we have lazed around all day. Arturo worked on some leather stuff and I made all our reservations for our trip to Montana. I hope to have the discipline to journal our trip with pictures and everything! We will see... we leave on July 25th! Can not wait!

Here is a picture of Arturo on his new saddle...he loves it!

Posting from my ipod.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This month marks a year!

So a year ago I was border line overweight and felt just plain awful about myself. Not the low depression, want to hurt myself kind, but the kind of feeling that I was just fat and there was nothing in my closet that fit right and I am not going up another size feeling! I know we all have these types of days, but mine seemed to be everyday.

So I decided to take control...I hit the gym and hated it...I tried spinning, step, weights, but nothing stuck. I then meet a couple of great girls (Sarah and Sara) that were training for a marathon and I thought hey I could try running. I always wanted to be a "runner" so what the hell! I found a program on and took off. It was really hard at first, in fact I pretty much hated it. What kept me going were Sarah and Sara and Little Apple Road Runners Group. LARR is a group of new and veteran runners that are so encouraging and want you to succeed. I continued my program and got to were I could run three miles...what a great feeling that was!

From there I continued to build and late this spring I signed up for my first Marathon in Kansas City. That is right folks I will be running 26.2 miles on October 17th. I am about a month into my training program and have gotten up to 11 miles for my long runs. Next weekend I will break 12 and continue to build up and will run a 20 miler before the big race.

Running has changed me physically and mentally. I have lost 8 lbs and quite a few inches all over. Not really for sure on the inches, but all of my clothes fit me great and I am even back into my skinny jeans with a little room to spare! It has also made me stronger mentally...I feel strong and powerful. I feel that I can pretty much take on about anything if I put my mind to it!

So cheers to all that are runners and supported me and continue to support me and cheers to those that inspire to be can do it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Need a change...

To begin this post a picture of the beautiful sunset at the Ranch in Sedan, KS!

Have you ever just felt like you are so sick of doing the same thing everyday and you are just not satisfied anymore? That is where I am right now. Don't get me wrong, my job is great and what I am doing is rewarding, But here lately I have been really itching to see what else I could do. I want to do something creative, I want to work form home, I want to work for myself...I just have not figured out what that something is that will allow me to to do all of those things and be worth loosing all my benefits that I have here at K-State. So this post is asking for you all to say a little prayer for me that I find that something! I know that God has a plan for me and that I have to be patient and let him reveal that plan to me, but it is so hard sometimes!

Thank you!

Take care and love you all!
To end this post, a picture of an old rock building on the Ranch!