Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our weekend progress!

Good evening...

We had a great weekend, a very productive weekend! Arturo went to work and tagged babies and I volunteered at the Arbor Day Run, here in Manhattan! Then we worked in the yard all afternoon. Arturo tilled up the garden and I planted a few plants and mowed the yard! Here are a few pictures of our progress. Also, I have added a picture of our silly puppy sleeping by the door!

I hope you all had as good as weekend as we had!

Have a great week!

Arturo tilling up the new front flower bed!

My flowers! Still need a little more in my containers, I just could not find what I wanted!

Our garden space, last year it was a 12x12 and this year Arturo made it 16x16. We are planning on putting a cute little fence around with a iron garden gate. It is going to be sooo cute!

Also, we are going to get our house painted in the next couple of weeks! I am so exicted. I am thinking a mossy green with black shutters and white trim. I will share pictures once it is done!

Well got to go to bed...I am running early in the morning and Arturo has to be at work by 6:30.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day - Celbrate with a Steak tonight!

Today is Earth Day...the day we celebrate our planet that we live on and the environmentalist that take care of it.

As some may know many of these environmentalist are trying to put blame on the American Farmer and Rancher for global warming. Well, the funny thing is that the American Farmer and Rancher are environmentalist too. They take the best care of the land, because it is the way they make their living. These American Farmers and Ranchers have made a commitment to care for their animals and their land. They work harder than anyone I know to make sure they fulfill that commitment.

So with that being said, please celebrate with supporting my faviorte enviromentist! Have a steak tonight!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful day.

We are having a great restful drizzly day, here in the Little Apple! We are getting a nice steady rain today! I keep thinking of all the folks that have family in or the little girls in the Easter dresses! However, the rain is wonderful!
Arturo had to go out and check babies this morning and they had six this morning! Six little Easter babies! I stayed here and did my normal Sunday morning stuff, balance our checkbook, pay bills and start laundry. We also made it to the 11:00 Mass at our church this morning. It was a nice service with BEAUTIFUL music. This afternoon Arturo has been watching baseball and I have been working on Accounting I homework. Arturo is cooking us the best smelling pork loin for dinner and my contribution is the corn bread and deviled eggs. You just can not have Easter without deviled eggs.

Well, I have made the leap and registered for my first FULL MARATHON. Can you believe it, I am going to run 26.2 miles on October 17th. Me...the one that made manager for the 8th grade basketball team, the girl that always got picked last. The one that would have been voted most nonathletic in school if that would have been a category. Yes, me...I am going to do it! My training will begin the first week of June, however I am going to continue running my average 12 miles during the work week and then do a longer run on the weekend such as 6-10 miles. Yesterday, I ran 6.67 miles and next weekend I am going to try for 7 and then keep working up until I get to 10 miles, before I start training. I think that this will give me a good base to start training. It is going to be an interesting ride...I plan to keep you all posted on my runs and how I am doing on my training program. So if you care stay tuned!

I am still knitting and still working on Arturo's sweater vest. It is taking FOREVER! It is going to be great once it is all done. I am ready for it to be done, so he will have it, but mainly so I can move on to the next project.

Here is the back of the sweater

And this is the beginning of the front...I still have a long way to go!
We hope you all have a wonderful blessed Easter Day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A First!

Good Early Morning! Well it is 5:15, AM mind you, and I am up and waiting on the gym to open up! I do not think that this has every happened to me, truly a first! The game plan was to run with a friend at 5:30, however we have some serious thunder and lighting going on this morning so we chickened out. Our bed is really calling my name, it is saying "please come back to this nice warm toasty bed and sleep a little longer," however I think I am going to make my self go to the gym! I have a busy day ahead of me and hopeful it will help me stay focused!

Please say a little prayer for Arturo today...he is ultrasounding his research cows today and tomorrow. Which is really not that big of a deal, but with this thunder and lighting this morning and then it is suppose to rain today, it could turn into a long day!

Have a great day!
Just wanted to leave you with this...I will be dreaming that I am sitting here drinking a cup of coffee while I am on the treadmill this morning! This was the view from our room in Jamaica almost two years ago. Oh man, I so pine to return!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Slacked off again!

Sorry guys...I have slacked off on blogging again! We have been busy and I have not had easy access to a computer, but at work and we all know that I should be working not blogging!

Things are really good here, Arturo still has cows on a research trial and they are still calving so he is out at the Cow/Calf Unit seven days a week. He loves being out there and "Playing Cowboy." WE just can not wait until it is our own that he is checking on seven days a week. I will really never see him then!!!

I am still running, ran four this morning! I am so ready for it to warm it is suppose to be 68 and then I think turn cooler tomorrow. I know I will be griping once it is a 100, but I bought some new spring things and I really want to wear them!

Well, I better get back to work...Have a great day everyone.

What is a blog with out a picture and lately I have not posted many pictures...sorry. These where my pansies from last year. My goal this weekend is to plant my cute vintage wheelbarrow with a load of pansies. We are also going to get our seeds started for our garden, the last freeze date is just around the corner!