Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Snow Pictures

The sun came out today, but it was still very, very cold! I think that it might have gotten up to a whopping 14 degrees. When we where home for lunch the bank read 11 and the wind blew like crazy so it really felt like -7 or took your breath away when you walked outside. I took these pictures at lunch today...I am hopping I can talk Arturo into taking me out to the CCU sometime this weekend to snap some pictures! Here are the few I took today at lunch! Enjoy!

Our poor garden...we had planned to clean it up this weekend, but I do not think that will happen! :)

Arturo blowing the snow off the wood in the wheelbarrow so he can stoke the fire at lunch!

Snow on my poor tree...I do not think they are going to make it through the winter!

Pancho enjoying the snow!

Max enjoying the snow!

I have not driven since Monday. I wish I would have taken a picture of my car before Arturo cleaned it off for me. I will drive myself to work tomorrow, that is if I can get out of the driveway!

Bank clock reading 11 degrees!

Have a cozy warm night!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let it Snow...Let it Snow

Today was the first day of snow for the season...Here are a couple pictures from the snowy day!

The first two are the same pictures just differnt actions! These where taken today at that point we had gotten about 3-4 inches of snow!

This one was taken tonight, I think at this point we have gotten about 6 inches of snow!

I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow! Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I know that it has been some time since I blogged last. However, it has been very fact I am not going to type much tonight, because I need to get in the bed and get to sleep. However, I could not wait to share our Christmas decorations with you all.

I know that this is dark, but it is my Santa and my Christmas tree that I have put outside. It started snowing this evening and I tried to get some pictures of the snow, but it was too dark.

My wreath that I made out of a grrape-vine weath and douglas fir greenery!

PEACE over the TV on my shelf, along with a snowflake garland that my dear friend Karen gave me!

Decorations on the wet bar! Including my vintage Christmas ornaments!

My greenery swag over my white mirror over the web bar!

Close-up of my vintage Christmas ornaments!

I hope you all are having a great holiday season!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We are still here...It has just been crazy!

So I have been pretty absent on the blog here lately. Sorry, but it has been busy since the Marathon. We have had something going on every weekend since the Marathon weekend. So this blog will be long with lots of images of some of the things we have been doing over the last month.

To begin the post is Pesto making adventure. I am not going to post the recipe, because it is basically just a pesto recipe. Nothing special. I did want to share the pictures that I took though, just for fun!

Cleaning the Basil from our garden!

Toasting the pine nuts and measuring the basil!

All ingredients go into the food processor and the oil is added.

Presto it is Pesto!


We traveled to the ranch to get wood. This tree is dead and now it is cut into small pieces to keep us warm this winter!

Beautiful sunset at the ranch along with Prozac, Arturo's Dad's bird! He is pretty cool, even for a bird! :)

We also atended the McCurry Brother's Sale in Mt. Hope KS. We had a grand time!

Gunner McCurry

Jill, Cori and Lucy McCurry and Trip Phorbes.

Arturo's uncle Fred Montoya

A nice young female in the ring!

Taking bids!

Oh how I love sales!

And one little froggie! This is Wyatt Hallman, grandson of Greg and Pam McCurry.

We have had a blast the last month. We are home this weekend, but then the fun picks up again with a wedding and Thanksgiving.

I hope to have more pictures posted soon!

Have a wonderful day and week!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Group Suggests Undercover Activists Should Face Punishment

Group Suggests Undercover Activists Should Face Punishment

Oct 14, 2009 2:40 PM, Source: Kansas Livestock Association

Animal cruelty should be stopped in its tracks, not redistributed through videos

The Animal Ag Alliance (AAA) is suggesting undercover activists who witness and record animal mistreatment be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for not immediately reporting the incident. Alliance members made the recommendation in light of the growing number of activist groups hiring individuals to seek illicit employment at ranches, feedyards and processing plants solely for the purpose of capturing video that condemns animal agriculture. The video is frequently produced and released to the media months after the alleged mistreatment occurred as activists plan a strategic media campaign.

AAA is a coalition of producers, organizations, suppliers, processors and retailers communicating the important role of animal agriculture. The group emphasizes animal well-being is central to producing safe, high-quality, affordable food and other products essential to consumers around the world.

The alliance strongly encourages all food animal owners to implement care guidelines, provide worker training and establish policies holding all employees accountable for their actions. Employers should screen potential employees closely to protect against illicit employment by activists, according to AAA.

I thought that this was an interesting article. I totally agree with the AAA. The undercover activists are just a guilty of the mistreatment of animals, when they stood by and watched and recorded the actions of their "co-workers". Seriously, if they cared for the animals as much as they say they do they would have put a stop to it there on the farm or at the slaughter plant not with a video they released to the media. I just don't understand! All of the food-animal caretakers that I know would have been appalled if their employees treated animals the way the undercover activist showed on their recordings and there would have been corrective-action taken to change the way of doing things.

I do strongly believe in training. The Beef Cattle Institute is working hard to provide easy-to-use, online training for employees in all sectors of the beef industry. We have to remember that many of the employees hired are generations removed from the farm. So they do not know, as owners, managers and operators, we must give them the tools to do their job correctly, safely and well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Thoughts on Lary King Live and IS MEAT SAFE? Story

I realize I am a little late on blogging on the Larry King Live, Is Meat Safe?, story. However, I cannot seem to get this story off my mind. I know that we (beef advocates) have heard this type of garbage before and will continue to hear it. Beef Advocates across the country are working diligently to get the true message out about the beef industry. Something else that I cannot get off my mind is a story that I heard on The Early Show last week, The 10 Risky Foods. Do you know what number one was? Leafy Greens. Yes, that is right, not beef, or meat products, but leafy greens. These greens were the number one risky food because of their contamination with E.Coli. The story stated: Between 1990 and 2006, The Center for Science in the Public Interest used data collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as other sources to identify 363 outbreaks linked to iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens “variously contaminated with E. coli, Norovirus or Salmonella." This caused at least 13,568 people get sick.

So what it boils down to, to me, is that there is risk in everything that we eat, but there are risks in everything we do too. Every time you get in a car you have a chance of losing your life, but does that stop us from getting in our cars? So, why not enjoy a properly cooked old fashion hamburger, with maybe COOKED spinach on the side.

*Side-Note* As many of you know Arturo and I’s goals and dreams are to make our living in production agriculture, once we have completed our time at K-State. The beef industry has always been important to me and my family, however as we get closer to our dreams coming into realization I grow more passionate about the industry every day. Our blog will continue to showcase the “going-on’s” of the Pacheco household, but I also plan to write more about the beef industry and be a more active advocate. One day when we are living and breathing ranch life, I hope to have a dedicated blog to our daily interactions of on the ranch and our daily duties of production agriculture.

And what is a blog post without pictures?

Arturo counting calves and cows to make sure no one was left behind.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weaning Time at the Cow/Calf Unit

This morning I got to go out with Arturo and his crew to the Cow/Calf Unit to take pictures. We left to go out to the first pasture, the Pinch Belly, at 5:45. Yes it was early but it was worth it for the great sunrise pictures. Then shortly after the sun came up the clouds moved in and it got chilly. Here are some of the pictures I took. Be aware there are it is going to be a long post. Some I have processed in Photoshop and some are just straight-out of the camera.

Have a great day everyone!


The Chaps!

Blue...Arturo's favorite horse!