Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Snow Pictures

The sun came out today, but it was still very, very cold! I think that it might have gotten up to a whopping 14 degrees. When we where home for lunch the bank read 11 and the wind blew like crazy so it really felt like -7 or took your breath away when you walked outside. I took these pictures at lunch today...I am hopping I can talk Arturo into taking me out to the CCU sometime this weekend to snap some pictures! Here are the few I took today at lunch! Enjoy!

Our poor garden...we had planned to clean it up this weekend, but I do not think that will happen! :)

Arturo blowing the snow off the wood in the wheelbarrow so he can stoke the fire at lunch!

Snow on my poor tree...I do not think they are going to make it through the winter!

Pancho enjoying the snow!

Max enjoying the snow!

I have not driven since Monday. I wish I would have taken a picture of my car before Arturo cleaned it off for me. I will drive myself to work tomorrow, that is if I can get out of the driveway!

Bank clock reading 11 degrees!

Have a cozy warm night!

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