Monday, January 18, 2010

I Heart Faces: We Are Family

I am entering my first photography contest through I Heart Faces (
This picture displays nothing but family to me. A Grandmother and granddaughter making Tamales at Christmas...these are the times that should be cherished.



I Heart Faces said...

Thank you so much for entering this beautiful photo into our challenge this week!

We just wanted to leave a friendly reminder that you need to enter the permalink to your blog post into the Mr. Linky each week, not the link to the home page of your blog.

If you aren't sure how to do this, you can check out the FAQ's portion of our site for a tutorial.

We have already fixed this week's entry for you! :)

Thanks so much,

~Amy & Angie
co-founders of I Heart Faces

Danea Burleson said...

Very sweet capture!