Thursday, March 4, 2010

Weekend Photos

Good Afternoon All!

This past weekend was Arturo's weekend to feed. Arturo was shorthanded so I went along and drove the truck while he dumped feed. I took my camera along and this is just a few of the images I captured!

I think that I am going to get one of these images  (below and above) blown up to put in the house. LOVE IT!

Siddartha Torres, from Mexico City, joined us on Saturday morning. He is a graduate student here a K-State and works with me in the BCI.

I also got a chance to capture Siddartha's beautiful family. I will post pictures from that session soon!

Have a wonderful day!


Unknown said...

I love the pictures! I love to capture the scenes of the ranch, but I really wish I had a better camera. I have some of my pictures posted on my blog, but most of mine are on my facebook page. look me up if you are on there. ryan goodman

crystal.cattle said...

Again, amazing pictures! I love the pictures of the Hereford bulls. You should send some of these into the Association. I am going to have to come out with you sometime this summer and do some shooting!

ArturoandWrenn said...

Thanks guys!

I am enjoying my hobby!

Yes, Crystal you will have to come shooting with me this summer. That would be a blast.

Have a great day! Thanks for making my day with you comments.