Monday, September 21, 2009

Changes in the future...begining with a new toy!

Look what I ordered today...

That’s right my very first DSLR camera! I am so excited...I cannot wait for it to get here. It should arrive on Friday! So look for lots of pictures this Sunday...I hope to be shooting like a mad woman!

I posted a while back about wanting a change...well this is the beginning of that change. I will share more and I am sure most of you will guess what I am talking about, but I am not ready to reveal my plan, dreams and goals just yet! Stay tuned, it will be soon, when I am strong enough to share those with you all! 


crystal.cattle said...

Very exciting! I am sure you will have a blast with your new camera this weekend. Can't wait to hear these exciting plans. You are capable of whatever you set your heart and mind to!

ArturoandWrenn said...

Thanks are truely a kind and encouraging person! There needs to be more like you out in this great big world! I am happy to call you my friend!

Have a great day!

Janet said...

Your photos are already look great! You have a good eye to artistic composition, so with new equipment they will be really, really extra awesome! I can't wait to see what you will do!